domingo, 3 de junio de 2012


At the end of the third term, we all had to do some videos related with health.
My video was about a young girl that has a terminal illness and she is going to die. All the family and her boyfriend are very sad and we can see the last months alive of the young girl
My group was formed by Claudia, Eva, Maider and Ismael .
This is the link of the video that we had done.

I hope you enjoy it

viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

Forever young

We watched a film called "Forever young" it was about a man that decided to freeze himself because his girlfriend was in coma.
The main characters are Mel Gibson and Elijah Wood.
It was very interesting and entertained.
Here is the trailer


We did a debate related with cryonics that was very interesting and entertained.
Cryonics is the low-temperature preservation of humans and animals who can no longer be sustained by contemporary medicine, with the hope that healing and resuscitation may be possible in the future.
Here are all the topics that we debated:


We made some poem but I don´t like it some much because is very difficult and in my opinion is so boring.
Although making poems is difficult is very interesting and you can learnt a lot of vocabulary related with love, friendship, happiness and more feelings.
Here is the link that you need if you want to make a poem:

And here is my poem that is called "Blue"
a rough sea
a clear sky
the walls of my bedroom
the sound of waves
a relax day
a heated pool
a glass of water
a day of July
some fishes swimming
a party on a beach
a summer day
the freshness of the North Pole
Blue can take you for a cruise on the sea

Vocabulary of health

We learnt a lot of vocabulary of health that is very useful.
We learnt the name of some illness, some medication and some dialogues of medical consultation and a the name of some treatments.
This vocabulary is very useful and here is the link of the web:

Third Term

In this new post, I´m going to tell you the way that how the third term has been structured because this term was very long and we did a lot of things.
The principal topic was about: "Health".
1º We learnt a lot of vocabulary related with health.
2º We made some poems.
3º We made a debate related with cryonics
4º We watched a film
5º A video related to the topic.